Allready another week has passed, so here’s an update.
The weekend in Yogyakarta was very relaxed at a good hotel and I went to a good Salon&Spa. Also I had dinner with my good friend Efan and I saw the amazing show of Ramayana Ballet Purawisata, who performed the epic Ramayana tale of Valmiki. Terima kasih banyak.
On monday Warin and Surotun from Salatiga Heritage drove to Jogja to pick me up and drive me to Salatiga. They gave me a 3-day tour around the city and surrounding area. Besides showing me where my grandparents used lived, worked and spent their spare time, they also told me more about them and the history of Salatiga.
My grandparents met eachother when they were children. They lived next to eachother, here, with the families. Next to their houses was the ‘soos’ where parties were helt and opposite their houses used to be a tennisfield. They played tennis everyday. Behind the houses was the swimmingpool, which is still there.
I didn’t know their fathers (my great-grandfathers) had been so important to this city in the 1920’s. They made it possible for the school for indos and Indonesians to be built as well as the watersupply from the spring in Senjoyo to Salatiga.
I was invited to the school to meet the headmaster, teachers and children. I helped them practice their English and joined a class about the history of Salatiga and the ancient art of lontar writing.
At the Salatiga Heritage museum was a rock with an ancient inscription and many more artifacts.
Outside was a jackfruittree and many bananatrees. One of them had a flower. They took it and I was invited to the family, where it was prepared in a special dish for lunch. I also watched the traditional preperation of a special candy they make.
And I’ve visited my friend Anti in Semarang and had a delicious lunch at her restaurant. She gave birth to her baby girl a few days ago. She’s sooo cute. Terimah kasih untuk soto ayam enak!
It was a wonderful tour, lots of fun and delicious food. Terima kasih banyak untuk semua dan sampai jumpa.
Tomorrow I’m going to Bengkulu and after that to Jakarta, Penang and Singapore.